Windows text encoding
Windows text encoding

windows text encoding

windows text encoding

The inability to enumerate all encodings on PS Core, due to missing CoreFx support - see.It works in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core and works around the following limitations: Tab-completion would be nice, however here's a proof-of-concept function adapted from workaround it supports both code-page numbers and encoding names for tab completion, along with PowerShell's own identifiers if you type Get-EncodedContent -Encoding You can see the current list in the function below. Even though not all encodings are listed, they still work, however.


You should be able to find the list of supported encoding names / code pages with ::GetEncodings().Name / ::GetEncodings().CodePage but on PS Core you can't, due to lack of CoreFX API support - see.However, passing specific code-page numbers (e.g., -Encoding 930) or encoding names (e.g., -Encoding shift_jis) is now supported - no more workarounds needed per se - unless you want tab-completion. Let me summarize the status quo as of PowerShell Core 7.0.0-rc.2:Īnsi as an -Encoding argument is still not supported (which would only be relevant on Windows, where it should refer to whatever the active ANSI code page happens to be, to match the default encoding applied by Windows PowerShell). $paramDictionary.Add($ParamName, $dynParam1) $dynParam1 = new-object -Type ($ParamName,, $attributeCollection) $attributes.ParameterSetName = '_AllParameterSets' This is a work in progress but should help others work around the issue in the meantime: Even using encoding RAW would destroy the SHIFT_JIS text on my system. Currently working around it with a Get-EncodedContent function that takes all of the named Encodings as a result of ::GetEncodings() and then using ::ReadAllLines($Path,$Encoding) as a workaround. I am dealing with text encoded SHIFT_JIS (cp932) on OEM-US (cp437) and need to get the text to Unicode. The current list of encodings is too limiting.

Windows text encoding